Configuration file

When running remote builder’s CLI you can use a configuration file to specify to which host the CLI should connect to.

Here is an example configuration file:

containerimage =

containerfile = FROM

    RUN dnf install -y 'dnf-command(builddep)' rpm-build pip git && \
        dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
    RUN pip install rpyc git+

    CMD ["remote_builder_server", "--debug"]

host1 = localhost
host2 =

type=       socket
port=       18861
timeout=    14400

type=       ssh
ssh_port=   22
port=       18861
timeout=    14400
user=       guest
password=   password

Here are some explanations:

The hosts section

The hosts section contains a list of hosts the CLI will connect to. The options’ names (host1, host2…) do not matter, but the options’s values must be the name (hostname or IP address) of the host to connect to.

This section must be specified.

The types

Each host section, must contain a type option. That type can be either of value socket or ssh.

A socket type means the CLI can connect to the server directly at the specified port. This is likely be the simplest approach when the server is running localy (ie: localhost, or…). It can also be used if you do port forwarding from a remote system locally (for example using a ssh tunnel).

A ssh type means the CLI can connect to a server running remotely via ssh. The way this is done is by creating a ssh tunnel using the plumbum library (used withing RPyc).

This option must be specified.

The port

The port option must be an integer specifying the port at which the server is listening. It can be either the local port or the port of the server running locally on the remote host.

This option must be specified.

The timeout

The timeout option can be used to specify the timeout value (in seconds) after which the connection to the server will abort if no results have been sent back to the CLI.

This default to 60 * 60 * 3 ie: 3 hours.

The SSH options

If you want to connect to a remote host running the server, you can do so using a ssh tunnel via the ssh type.

There are a few options available for this connection type:

  • ssh_port simply the port at which the ssh server is listening, defaults to 22.
  • user the user to connect to the remote server as
  • password this option can be either the password of the user listed just above or, if you connect to the remote server using an ssh key, it can be the password of that ssh key.
  • keyfile the path to the ssh key to use to connect to the remote server

Either a user or a keyfile must be specified for host of type ssh.

The container section

This section is used to configure the container builder to use as buildroot for the RPM build environment.

It can have two options: containerimage and containerfile. If both are specified, the containerfile will be used.

  • containerimage this can be used to specify which image to pull from a container registry. It defaults to
  • containerfile this can be used to pass the content of a full containerfile (or Dockerfile), using this option, one can use or build a fully customized build environment.

Default configuration file

Here is the default configuration file of remote builder:

containerimage =

host1 = localhost

type=       socket
port=       18861

It allows to run the CLI against a server running locally (at the default port).